HAKA1593 - Process Safety Engineer

  • Industry
    Oil & Gas Industry
  • Job Category
  • Contract Type
    Full Time
  • Department
    Not Applicable
  • Closing Date
About HAKA
HAKA is a Business Consulting and Outsourcing company that offers a wide range of services including but not limited to Talent Attraction, Staffing & Mobilization, Business Outsourcing Solutions, Facilities Management, Inspection Services, Management Consulting, and HR Solutions.

Establishing a sustainable process safety program to ensure effective risk management and prevent catastrophic incidents such as structural collapse, explosions, fires, and toxic releases associated with the loss of containment of hazardous substances in compliance with the Safety Management System (SMS) and taking into account regulatory requirements, international standards, and best practices.

Manage process hazards, risks, integrity, and modifications complying with local regulatory authorities, international standards, and best practices utilizing quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques


Establish, implement, and manage an integrated process safety program (PSP) applying relevant Process Safety Management Standards (OSHA, CCPS…) within the Safety Management System (SMS).

Develop, implement, and track effective process safety program key performance indicators (KPIs).

Provide process safety engineering support and technical guidance/assistance in the review of the Management of Change (MOC) process and facilitate risk assessments (qualitative and quantitative) in accordance with local regulations and international engineering standards and best practices.

Participate in Process Safety Incidents investigation providing process safety insight.

Lead refinery Process Hazard Analysis (HAZOP) revalidation activities.

Provide support in the risk reduction plan by evaluating, implementing, and tracking recommendations from external audits (shareholders, lenders, and insurance companies) concerning process risk management.

Develop and maintain Process Safety lessons learned database from incidents internal and external for implementing recommendations to prevent potential risks.

Develop and conduct process safety training (as per matrix) and enhance process safety culture by organizing Process Safety awareness, symposiums, and workshops.

Support in the development of an effective asset integrity program to assist in the determination of inspection periods, tests, preventive and mitigation plans for safety instrumented functions, safety-critical equipment.

Ensure the Company Process Safety Information (such as safety systems, equipment data, PID, etc…) is updated, maintained, and accessible.

Coordinate and manage the utilization of third parties for undertaking specific studies such as fire, explosion, and other hazard and risk assessments.

Manage the pre-start-up safety review (PSSR) process and implementation.

Contribute to the development/review of process safety technical standards, guidelines, and tools.

Participate in the design review of new projects or upgrades of existing facilities in accordance with local regulations and international engineering standards and best practices.


Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

Minimum of 8 years of safety or operational experience in the oil and gas industry.

Note: you will be required to attach the following:
  1. Resume/CV
  2. National ID